contract farm中文什么意思

发音:   用"contract farm"造句
  • contract:    vt.,vi. 1.收缩,紧缩;(使 ...
  • farm:    n. 1.农场,农庄;农田;农场住宅 ...
  • farm in:    转让入
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  1. An economics analysis of the performance rate of contract farming
  2. To secure the supply of high quality rapeseed and to develop a contract farming and purchasing system , biolux will closely cooperate with chinese partners , farmers , governments and authorities as well as renowned chinese universities and agricultural institutes
  3. This paper has discussed the different types about benefit coupling mechanism of contract farming , including organization form , operation characteristics and typical representative of each type . on the basis of this the paper has analyzed the question about the benefit coupling mechanism at present and put forward the correlated proposal , which has the positive influence on the promotion of contract farming healthy development
  4. In order to make the small - scale farming mingle with macro - market , ease high tension between laboring population and acreage of farming land per capita , lead farmers to participate in intensive faming integration , and resolve the contradiction between micro - household and macro - market , the government should create a law framework of farming land contract , construct a marketing system transacting the ownership of the contracted farming land , and strengthen training rural surplus labors


  1. contract equipment manufacturing 什么意思
  2. contract evidenced by a writing 什么意思
  3. contract execution 什么意思
  4. contract expiry 什么意思
  5. contract extension 什么意思
  6. contract farming 什么意思
  7. contract fee 什么意思
  8. contract feeding 什么意思
  9. contract file 什么意思
  10. contract financing 什么意思


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